My legbar hens all finished molting and are back to laying. Over the winter I hatched out (very successfully) a lot of eggs that were fertilized by the CCL rooster. The hens were different purebreds, but no CCLs. Unfortunately the rooster got a little too aggressive for his own good and we had to cull him. My turken rooster took the job of tending to the hens. I got a 75% hatch rate from my recent hatch of CCL eggs there were fertilized by the turken. I think some of the eggs may have been fertilized by the Legbar rooster, which may be why they didn't hatch.
Now I'm torn between getting another Legbar rooster to breed, or keeping a Marans rooster and producing some olive eggers. My hens are coming up on two years old though so I'm not sure how much longer I can plan to breed them.
Now I'm torn between getting another Legbar rooster to breed, or keeping a Marans rooster and producing some olive eggers. My hens are coming up on two years old though so I'm not sure how much longer I can plan to breed them.