
13 Years
May 22, 2010
Why are some of my hens losing feathers on their mid backs just in front of the tail.

They look healthy and are laying lots of eggs.
There are nine hens and one rooster cooped up for the winter in an 8x8 coop with an 8 foot roosting bar.

I’ve watched for a while but have not seen the rooster mount any hens lately. But he used to do it frequently when they were outside in the run. But in winter they don’t go out. When I am in the coop they are more interested in me than each other.

Several hens have no feather loss and the rooster is fine too.

What does this look like?
Rooster damage?

When can I expect to see it grow back?


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It is still cold winter in Northern Ontario.
Frost bite is still a real risk on extra cold nights.
If no more feather loss occurs, when could I expect to see it grow back?
They are 10 months old
Rooster damage seems to be the answer.

The easy solution is chicken/rooster soup but...
Where do I find hen saddles?

Also, once winter is over and they go outside again, they'll have way more space to run around in.
Will that reduce the frequency and damage from rooster mounting?

I really want to keep the rooster, just because he looks good and truely, I like his crowing.

So what are chances that the hens grow back their feathers when spring comes and they can go out to the run again?
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They will grow them in, and if they get more room they may stand a better chance. If it's a space issue that will solve it. It could also be that there aren't enough hens for that roo or that he's just more aggressive.

You might find yourself wanting a different morning crowing if he keeps it up
. Roosters are pretty easy to come by in early summer
Did your issue end up being rooster related? We're experiencing the same problem. It started with one hen and now there's 4 hens with bare spots on their back. Our hens are 7 mos old and we don't have a rooster.
Did your issue end up being rooster related? We're experiencing the same problem. It started with one hen and now there's 4 hens with bare spots on their back. Our hens are 7 mos old and we don't have a rooster.

Yes it was the rooster.
But hens will do it too.
My hens all regrew feather after their fall molt.
But one hen molted much later than the other five.
The others pecked at her pin feathers so much that she still has scrappy patches with no feathers.

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