10+ Easter Eggers. The roosters are a Blue Ameraucana and a lavender Ameraucana They lay Blue/green eggs. The hens are all Black some are Black Ameraucana some are split/Lavender Ameraucana and some are Black Easter Egger these have a little gold in hackle feathers. Can not guarantee egg once leave the Post Office. Each egg is wrap in bubble wrap placed in an egg carton. Carton is wrap with some thing to secure it. The place in a priority box made sure carton can not move and shipped to you door. Check out my www.redroofhens.com
He looks a lot better now these was right after I got him and the other rooster make him keep is head in the corner that why is head is dirtier.

He looks a lot better now these was right after I got him and the other rooster make him keep is head in the corner that why is head is dirtier.

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