Green Junglefowl "Gallus varius" came in!!!!


10 Years
Aug 14, 2009
Texas - Best Place on Earth
So... Ive always wanted Green Jungle fowl... like for ever... Ever since I 1st saw them at the San Antonio Zoo, and long story short, I ordered a pair of Greens,

I got the wrong pair by postal mistake so ended up with Grey Jungle Fowl last week. I was not into Grey Jungle fowl... I called the breeder, VERY NICE GUY by the way, and said it would be fix next tuesday. I baby sat the Grey Jungle Fowl for the weekend, and fell in love with them. I called the breeder back to see if I could buy them but he said he sold them to someone else which is where the post office got the shipping lables crossed. I Shipped the greys back, and today I got my Green Jungle Fowl.

So now Im hopeing to collect Jungle fowl too...

Now I have to make room for:
Ceylon Junglefowl "Gallus Lafayetii" and
Grey Junglefowl "Gallus sonneratii"

Ive never liked the Red Junglefowl "Gallus gallus", looks to much like a red rooster, but who knows.. I might warm up to him too... Have to wait and see.

Ill post pictures of them when I get home. they are about 10 months old and are AMAZING... I cant wait to design there pen... Ive read so much on them and I have several great ideas... They are currenlty in a 20 X 10 aviary that is 8 foot high.

Here are my young pair.



Edit: Pictures Added
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Like any fowl....... they get addictive. I started out with 4 baby chicks from the feed store.............. now at 300 + chickens, 40 + peafowl, 10 turkey, 25 + geese, 3 Egyptian geese, 4 Canadian geese, who knows how many ducks, pr of Mandarins, 2 pr Wood ducks, pr White Face Tree ducks, 5 Emu and counting, 6 black Swan, 2 African crowned cranes, tons of fancy pigeons, many ornamental pheasant, aswell as llamas, mini horses, horses, mini donkey and mini zebu cattle........ I'm sure I forgot someone.
No, I'm not addicted.

Please don't show cute pics............... I can't afford to add any more critters.....

Hi, My name is Andres, and Im an Animal-holic... its been 14 days since my last animal purchase...


I know the feeling... Ive got animals missing from my website... I know I do... When I get a chance to breath, im gonna have to add all the newbies.

So "ChickenZoo", im going to send you a message....
Awesome birds, but VERY delicate. You may want to check with a local bird veterinarian about vaccinations. Greens get sick very easily, the ceylons are fairly sick prone too I believe. Im sure you already know this though. I have a friend near me that bred them for years, and every kind of other pheasant you can think of. The only way he got them to breed was in a heavily planted aviary with lots of cover. And had to be housed in heated quarters for the winter. Other than that, they're awesome birds...The greys are actually my favorite, not as pretty as greens, but they are almost as tough as a chicken, and dont need winter housing. Even pure blooded reds are distinguishable from chickens, they are very wild and jumpy, and you can just tell they are a different bird, but most in the US are crossed with chickens. Good Luck with you Junglefowl!
hi... at my place a lot of Gallus varius, Gallus varius is my pet. I know their habits
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