need advice and ID on these shamo chickens... PICS!... *updated*


I'm not sure what breed they are, but I'd say you did well! Neat looking birds for sure. Take a look at this ended auction. Illia knows her stuff, and she also gives info in this auction that may help you out. She also gives great info freely, so you may want to see what she thinks of your new birds? You also may want to build yourself a taller brooder??
Good luck with them!
yes, illia posted in this thread already... post number 3... now i'm thinking about buying some eggs from her to widen my flock... LOL... but i think i should just work with these people closer...
i don't see it... everytime i google malay gamefowl i keep getting these birds with shorter heads... like stubby heads...

they also have a different comb...

her head might look blocky, but that's because she has a dent on the back of her head... i put some of that blukote on her today... man, they are sweethearts... and his crow is awesome... doesn't sound like a rooster at all... sounds like those plastic cup things with the wax string that you buy in mexico... HAHAHAHl;kdfjsadfjsa;ldfj

like this...

... i'm such an idiot...
Late- but wanted to comment these birds are not Shamo. None of them are, they resemble Thai more than anything and the comment they're used for meat birds is one reason. Thai crosses are commonly used for such. Given the green legs, it might be possible they are crossed with Ganoi, or maybe Malgache (more likely Ganoi). Green legs are pretty much a dead give-a-way that they aren't Shamo (or Malay, Asil, or pure Thai) as Shamo should have yellow legs or black over-color in dark birds. Not as much of an upright stance for a Shamo either. Another thing is their shoulders need to be more prominent and their eyes don't seem deep enough.

I would of probably chose the black pullet with the black beak in the first set of photos myself. I liked her head more than the others. But all of that aside, they look like good birds and could be something fun to play with.


ETA: Julia Keeling has a article on Shamo on the Ultimatefowl wikipedia, a good book to get is Oriental Gamefowl by Horst Schmudde- costs about 50 dollars new but I liked it a lot. Lots of pictures, and good articles though you can find most of the same stuff online if you dig deep enough. Miss Julia had a book too, but not been able to find one and after reprinting once or twice she said she wasn't going to again I believe.

I've got photos of my Shamo's on my web.. Fat headed birds
.. They're some of the best blood in the states minus the Julia Keeling blood Fowlman1 and Susan Chung have (plus Moua Oriental Aviary.) But I don't say that to brag, I am just starting with them basically.. They're not perfect and need some improvement like.. I'd like to see more prominent shoulders, smaller combs, and smaller earlobes. That's about it so far. I can never get good enough pictures of them, they're birds you've just got to see in person
.. Had a black chick and a wheaten hatch from the same pair today- so don't count on them throwing the same colors and that is for most Orientals. I am believing a possibility of them throwing Greys, white, spangled grey, blue wheaten, and honestly who knows what else. Jim Zook has those colors, and that is partially my blood, I've not found much on the Will Robert's/Dr. Sapaphor so I haven't a clue what will come from that side.
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