Peahens & Peachicks


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 3, 2010
Is there anyone who can post pics of peahen eggs and peachicks? Considering buying a pair next year and while looking for info everywhere i could i realized there wereno pics of eggs or peachicks. After looking online im interested in a purple pair. Could anyone help me out with some good pics please? Pics of any breed would be great.
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I have some egg pictures from last year...No new egg pictures for this year yet because my peahens are not laying yet...

Last year's eggs:


Here is the blackshoulder peahen that laid those eggs setting on her second clutch. I didn't get any peachicks so I don't have pictures of chicks. We tried incubating some and letting her set some but the ones we incubated were all bad and the ones she set might not have really been good plus she wasn't really sure what to do.

Those are really great pics. Everything ive been reading is saying its hard to incubate peafowl eggs and hard to keep peachicks alive. Ive seen egg pics on another thread but didnt see any peachicks. Will probably buy a pair started and go from there so we dont waste any more money than we have to. Going to be a lot of fun breeding them though i bet. Are they anything like chickens and ducks? Me and my husband have a tiny patch of woods we are going to fence off this summer for peafowl specifically. Hope they like it.
Ooh maybe one of mine will have eggs with spots! That is way cool I wonder if the wild ones lay spotted eggs because I would think in the wild they would need to be more camo than just a solid white or light tan...
Thanks for the link.

Got kinda worried there for a minute cause some of my freerange nest may have chicken,duck,guinea and even a goose egg, things get pretty communal around here.
Last year i had a duck and 3 guinea fowl sitting on a communal nest.

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