6+ Pure White Crested & 6+ Cayuga Mixed Duck Hatching Eggs :)

Chickie Mamma

Farmer at Heart
11 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Sherman, CT
Hello, my ladies have finally decided to start laying. I now have 2 pure white crested females. The Cayuga is mated by the same non crested pekin (but has crested lines) so there is a possibility to get crested Cayuga's. I have hatched out a few over the years. From the Cayuga, I am also getting Chocolate brown babies that are gorgeous! The white crested ladies are double crested. There will be more than 12 eggs sent, I always send some extras
These will go out Monday morning.

Sunshine :


Rex (daddy)

Babies hatched this year..

Cocoa.. chocolate baby.. now mating


I have noticed that the white crested females have been laying every day, so there will be more of those in the mix.
I package carefully, and have not had any egg casualities yet. The Post Office can be careless, so I cannot guarantee your hatch rate, I do what I can on this end. Shipping cost includes delivery confirmation/ supplies. Last hatch I had was 21/23 so fertility has been great. After this horrible winter here.. their pool is finally filled and they are partying.. LOL
I use Paypal.. info will be given upon purchase. Thanks!
Beth G. :


OMG they are sooo beautiful!!
Do you ever sell ducklings to locals? If so let me know I'd love to buy some to add to my small duckie flock for eye candy

I have sold many ducklings over the past couple years. I was not planning to hatch any this year. I was planning to find my 5 adults a new home though. Two of the females are 4 years old.. the male is 2 years old, and the other 2 females are only a year or younger. I need to make room for my silkies. If you would like them.. PM me, or if you know anyone with land and maybe a pond.​
I have sold many ducklings over the past couple years. I was not planning to hatch any this year. I was planning to find my 5 adults a new home though. Two of the females are 4 years old.. the male is 2 years old, and the other 2 females are only a year or younger. I need to make room for my silkies. If you would like them.. PM me, or if you know anyone with land and maybe a pond.

Oh no, that must be a hard decision to make huh? My husband is building me a new duck house and I have a pond but, my dogs are using it to swim in right now. I do have a brook that runs through my egg layer pen that is a 1/4 acre all fenced in with 6 foot chain link all around. I will ask the DH tonight if the duck house can hold 5 more. If not I may know of a gal in Cheshire, CT that has a Birthday Barn that she does parties for kids and loves livestock to educate the youngsters. She also had a huge pond on the 100 acre pond.
Oh, please tell me you are NPIP/AI tested! I sooooo want some White Crested eggs. I want to hatch a male crested pet for myself to follow me around the farm and be my buddy....but I can't buy untested birds or eggs from them.
State of CT does not do NPIP!! Our state Vet is a, I can't say sorry!! But, I'm speaking for her and shouldn't but, I do know only 3 People are NPIP and they are all big hatcheries! I would be shocked if you every found a CT BYC'r that was. If you do will you please let me know who they are so, I can find out who they paid to get the NPIP? B/c I've been trying for 2 years straight and Dr. Lis will NOT call me back!!

p.s. you can have them tested on the three month program though, that's what I do for my flock
I had my chickens AI/Pullorum tested .. in August. They said they do not test ducks. I did want him to do it while he was there, but they don't do ducks.. I want to get NPIP this spring for my silkie flock. But.. wow, Beth, really 2 years? I really wanted to get NPIP. I will try though. If it helps at all.. all my birds were hatched from NPIP breeders? Don't think that counts
Beth G. :

I have sold many ducklings over the past couple years. I was not planning to hatch any this year. I was planning to find my 5 adults a new home though. Two of the females are 4 years old.. the male is 2 years old, and the other 2 females are only a year or younger. I need to make room for my silkies. If you would like them.. PM me, or if you know anyone with land and maybe a pond.

Oh no, that must be a hard decision to make huh? My husband is building me a new duck house and I have a pond but, my dogs are using it to swim in right now. I do have a brook that runs through my egg layer pen that is a 1/4 acre all fenced in with 6 foot chain link all around. I will ask the DH tonight if the duck house can hold 5 more. If not I may know of a gal in Cheshire, CT that has a Birthday Barn that she does parties for kids and loves livestock to educate the youngsters. She also had a huge pond on the 100 acre pond.​

I would appreciate it
I really do not want to give them away, but after 4 years... they are so hard to keep clean. My 5 adults are so friendly, been raised around 3 children. I have invested so much money in my silkies, I need the room for them. I wish I had a pond or even more land, it would be so much easier. Keep me posted if you know anyone that may want them. They are all very beautiful and unique in their own way
Oh no, that must be a hard decision to make huh? My husband is building me a new duck house and I have a pond but, my dogs are using it to swim in right now. I do have a brook that runs through my egg layer pen that is a 1/4 acre all fenced in with 6 foot chain link all around. I will ask the DH tonight if the duck house can hold 5 more. If not I may know of a gal in Cheshire, CT that has a Birthday Barn that she does parties for kids and loves livestock to educate the youngsters. She also had a huge pond on the 100 acre pond.

I would appreciate it
I really do not want to give them away, but after 4 years... they are so hard to keep clean. My 5 adults are so friendly, been raised around 3 children. I have invested so much money in my silkies, I need the room for them. I wish I had a pond or even more land, it would be so much easier. Keep me posted if you know anyone that may want them. They are all very beautiful and unique in their own way

Yes I will definitely let you know. I went to ask the DH and he was snoring away and not acknowledging my voice. I will try tomorrow and if he says it won't work I will ask my friend in Cheshire for you

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