Hybrid ducks????

Dr. Todd

9 Years
Nov 9, 2010
I found this neat picture of a mix between a hooded merganser and a wood duck on the internet today. Crazy!

Has anyone had ducks mix in their aviaries? I wonder what some of the other mixes look like, if you have pics share them!


Dr todd if i may ask i know your avatar is a silver baikal but do you know where to find them i lllllllloooooooovvvvvvvveeeeee them
just out of curiousity, are you on a cellular device or an ipad? reason i ask is on my laptop dr. todds avatar is something i'm not familiar with, but on my phone or the ipad at school its a silver baikal
I have a Khaki Campbell duck and a fawn Runner drake. This year I hatched out some of their babies. They are turning out really pretty.
This is Libby the first one I hatched I sold her brother. She was hatched in January.


And these are the ones I hatched March 13th. Not the white one. I got her from Rural King she had a pecked eye so I got her for free.
Yes kansas i have ipad thats my computer idid want to ask why silver is on topic what all duck have silver mutations
Oh i forgot anyone knows where to get silver mallards i know there are some here in the states purchased eggs before not succesful sadly
Just checked my phone again, still a b-e-a-utiful baikal, Have noticed on other people avatars that there different too. wish we had all those mutations over here. Still waiting on a silver mandarin though
i was wonering what Dr Todds Avatar was! I want one of those!! Where can I get them?

yes a Silver Manadrin would be nice.. If o nly my Regular Mandarin Drake and Silver Wood Duck hen could have fertile eggs! They don't leave each others side!!

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