8 week old Easter Egger, boy or girl?


Oct 19, 2010
California Central Coast
So I've been suspicious of her/him for awhile. Bought as a sexed pullet. She/he isn't the alpha in the flock by any means, she was at first one of the most aggressive, but now the buffs and reds run all over her/him. This one of course is my daughter's favorite. The tail feathers don't always stand up although they are in this pictures, usually they are pointed at the ground and the hackles look rounded to me, but I'm new at this. Has never made any attempt to crow, makes less noise than the Faverolles actually. My DH says he's too pretty to be a girl. Legs are slightly thicker than the biggest BO who is the same age and I am certain the BO is a girl. The legs are easily as thick as the Faverolles who are 9 weeks old.

Is she a he?




this last pic is about a week old, so closer to 7 weeks here

What's the verdict?
Yes you have an Easter Egger roo there, sorry. First give-away is the coloring... *most* EE's that color are boys. Second is the red comb. Third is the Saddle Feathers coming in by the tail.
looks alot like my young roo. bought him as a pullet also. in this pic he's about 2.5-3 months

this guy is far from the dominant one also, might actually be the most timid. i wish he wouldnt be a crower because i cant have a roo here
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