Can you post some pure AMERAUCANA baby chicken's picture?


9 Years
Jul 15, 2010
New Haven County
I bought some Ameraucana hatching eggs from the breeder listed in AMERAUCANA BREEDERS CLUB, 2011 BREEDERS DIRECTORY . However, after reading the treads about the pure AMERAUCANA and EEs, I really doubt the chicken I hatched are not AMERAUCANAs, and should be EEs. If you have the pictures of your AMERAUCANA baby chicken, please reply them for me. So I can compare them with mine. I would upload my chicken picuture later. Thank you.
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Well, don't use this pic as a reference, but I love this pic and wanted to post it, since you said to post pics of our ameraucanas (grin). This is my hubby, farmer_lew on BYC, chilling at sunset with our 2 blue/wheaten ameraucanas that came from eggs from Jeremy, a BYCer in Oakland.


They are really sweet and personable. They just go right up to him and sit on him. He's the chicken whisperer, though. We've had quite a few birds who respond to him that way.


ours were bought from a feed store they were sold to us as amerucanas some of them at around 3 months of age are showing some traits but i would guess mine are easter eggers and not actually amerucanas
I'm sorry, I did adults, but I edited my post above and am looking for more chick pics for you. Must have misread it. Too much of a hurry, I guess.

Here's a light blue one, then a black. I have had only blue, black and splash and a couple blue wheaten males:



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