I ordered 7 Delaware pullets from MyPetChicken that arrived as day old chicks on June 14th, not sure if they are actually Delawares. I know they are hatchery stock that were shipped from Meyers, some are very smutty, what could they be mixed with???
Delawares?? at 3 days of age.
Girl 1 (Chick with dark stripes down its back at 3 days)
Girl 2 (Chick on left at 3 days with eye liner & stripe down back of head/neck)
One of the solid yellow chicks from this group
Thanks for looking and any opinions!
Delawares?? at 3 days of age.

Girl 1 (Chick with dark stripes down its back at 3 days)

Girl 2 (Chick on left at 3 days with eye liner & stripe down back of head/neck)

One of the solid yellow chicks from this group

Thanks for looking and any opinions!