Dark Brahma eggs


10 Years
Apr 26, 2009
Ramsey, MN
I bought two Dark Brahma chicks mid-March. They were just a few days old when I got them. They are 4 months old. I also got 2 Buff Orphington's and 2 Rhode Island Reds that were about same age then, so they all grew up together. Happy little chicken family.

Yesterday, I went to give them water when I got home from work, and there was the smallest, cute little egg in the nest. The first egg for any of my new chicks. We laughed and called it a fart because it is just slightly larger than a quarter, but perfectly formed. Cute right.
But today, I went out and looked and sure enough, another perfect, little egg, and I do mean little.

Now, what comes to mind, is that I was told that Dark Brahma hens lay smallish eggs. I am hoping THIS isn't the norm, and smallish doesn't mean so small you have to crack 6 of them to make the equivalent of 1 large egg! This is my first experience with Dark Brahma's and I really don't know what to expect as far as egg size goes. They are probably one of the most beautiful chickens I have have ever seen, but if this is the size of their eggs, I would rather have an average looking, large egg layer. I HOPE that this is just what they are now because they are still young.

Can anyone tell me what size a Dark Brahma's eggs are supposed to be? I am including a picture of the eggs. They are cute, but....

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Are you sure it was your Dark Brahma? I've got three Brahmas (two buffs, one dark) that were hatched on March 11th. I still haven't seen an egg from them yet.

I may be your Buff orpington? I was told that the first couple eggs always start out small, then ramp up fast. But this is my first time too!
Well, I guess I am assuming it is the Dark Brahma because I saw her sitting on the nest today, but I guess I really am not sure. It could have been anyone! I will have to keep a better eye on them if I can. I was at work when whoever left their little gift!
Most all hens lay small eggs to start with. They do get larger.

Four months old is very early for a brahma egg. Most of my brahmas were 6 months old or older before they laid for the first time. Two of my dark brahmas were 9 1/2 months old.

My brahma girls are now more than three years old, still laying well and their eggs are very large; not super long but very fat. They lay all year round.
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