OVASCOPE egg candling scope


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 3, 2011
I just ordered a Ovascope Egg scope from Enasco.com fo $60. Has anyone used this and does anybody have input on this device?
When you get it, let us know how you like it. I use an LED flashlight now & it does a pretty good job, but I'd love to get something else one day.
Here is what I use and it works good. It is a shop light with an 65 watt halogen bulb. I lined the inside of the cardboard with aluminum foil with foil tape.

Infertile egg

Developing Pheasant egg
WOOOO HOOOO!!!! Hey this Ovascope Rocks!! So ya put in the egg and you can just look at it with naked eye. Put egg in holder and there ya go...and the light is strong, whole egg glows. Now once egg is in place you can rotate egg with a dial so ya don't have to over handle the egg. Now the way cool part. Ever check an egg and not TOTALLY sure.... put cover over egg.. all outside light is GONE, Image is magnified and WOW. You can also hook up a web cam to the adapter to take stills or video of your eggs. I am So happy with this purchase... we have a swap saturday.. i may bring it for others to eval 4 themselves.
for those wanting to see candled eggs by the ovascope heres a couple of pics, one on the base and one looking through the "microscope" hole!!


does this ovascope come with a light already, or do you have to order a ovaview, cuz i just ordered an ovascope from enasco too and it's comin in but i'm not exactly sure if it comes with light or not?

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