Laying Hens - Orpingtons / Olive / Marans / Minorca / Rhode Island


Looking for a broody
11 Years
Aug 18, 2008
It looks like we will be moving for work soon, and need to downsize our flocks. Local pickup only, no shipping. Open to negotiation, really want to make sure these girls go to great homes!

We currently have the following birds that need good homes:

Buff Orpington hens - Hatched Jul-2010 - $20/ea
Very good layers of LARGE tinted eggs (we get 5-6 eggs a week per hen). Purchased fantastic show stock from KY and MO a few years back and have been working on increasing size. These birds are NOT HATCHERY quality! You will get large round fluffy birds that feather out quickly and are easily some of the friendliest birds we raise. Calm and docile, great for children's pets!
* We have a rooster who can come with these hens if you want - great big boy!

Black Minorca Hens – Hatched Jul-2010 - $20/ea
FANTASTIC layers of LARGE white eggs (we get 5-6 eggs a week per hen). A bit more flighty than your average backyard bird, but they more than make up for it with a low feed consumption to egg production ratio.
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