Just what I need! More creepy crawlies to raise. I have a mealworm farm and a red wiggler farm, so now, thanks to some soured quail food, I have a black soldier fly farm.
These guys have the ick factor that is missing in the other worms. The good thing is, you never have to touch them. I read this guys Wonderful blog on black soldier flies a while back, with instructions on making your own setup with a 5 gallon bucket: http://blacksoldierflyblog.com/bsf-bucket-composter-version-2-1/
Then I ended up with a 5 gallon bucket of soured quail food (I *thought* the lid was tight.. DOH). I took the smelly thing to the far side of the property to dry out so I could dispose of it later. I went back to it a few days later and dumped out the almost dry soured food and OMG - there were black soldier fly larvae in there! Also regular fly maggots but I expected those.
So I cobbled together my first setup with some stuff I had around. I am in the process of making a better setup as this has no drain. Both black soldier fly larvae and housefly maggots
are coming out into the collection bucket (the kids sand pail below) but like I said, at least I don't have to touch them. And the girls love the black solider fly larvae! They also eat the maggots but prefer the black larvae. So I guess I'm cutting down on the number of future flies I'll have between this and getting rid of my quail. Flies LOVE LOVE LOVE quail poo.
If you raise these critters too, tell me about your setup and what you feed them, etc. etc.!
These guys have the ick factor that is missing in the other worms. The good thing is, you never have to touch them. I read this guys Wonderful blog on black soldier flies a while back, with instructions on making your own setup with a 5 gallon bucket: http://blacksoldierflyblog.com/bsf-bucket-composter-version-2-1/
Then I ended up with a 5 gallon bucket of soured quail food (I *thought* the lid was tight.. DOH). I took the smelly thing to the far side of the property to dry out so I could dispose of it later. I went back to it a few days later and dumped out the almost dry soured food and OMG - there were black soldier fly larvae in there! Also regular fly maggots but I expected those.
So I cobbled together my first setup with some stuff I had around. I am in the process of making a better setup as this has no drain. Both black soldier fly larvae and housefly maggots

If you raise these critters too, tell me about your setup and what you feed them, etc. etc.!