Silkie/Cochin cross - what color would you call this??


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 20, 2010
Montville, Oh
This is a second generation silkie/cochin cross chick I hatched. The hen was a dark blue and the rooster was black. Both parents were 1/2 silkie, 1/2 cochin. The place where I got the parents of this chick had cochins in several different colors, I think one was mottled. This boy sort of looks mottled, but he has both brown and black on his white. Is there a name for this pattern ?


Don't know what you would call that color. But I really like his coloring. I am a big fan of the silkieXcochin crosses especially the sizzles which are silkieXfrizzled cochin crosses. Do you have a lot the silkieXcochin crosses? You should post some of them if you do.
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Thanks everyone.

Georgia Boy, I have two 1st gen silkie/cochin cross hens, and five 2nd generation. He's the only cockeral I kept back. Two of the 2nd gen have silkie feathering and the other three have normal feathers. I don't have any pics handy... I'll try to get some and post them. Most of them are blue....

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