Can anyone proof my incubator calendar?


In the Brooder
13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
Lago Vista
I've never incubated eggs before and just received my Little Giant incubator (with fan and auto egg turner) and I made up a calendar to reference every day to make sure things were going as they should. Can I ask someone who has done this before to proof it for me?


50% humidity seems high to me. I aimed more for 30% up until lockdown, then those last few days I did 60-70%. I've only done hatching once though, so I'm sure you'll get better feedback. Also I think on day 18 you want to close the vents, not open them.

Also, regarding what I see in red about pulling the shell of the chick. Do a lot more research regarding helping chicks hatch before you attempt anything like that. Some hatch very slowly which is normal, and if you accidently help too soon, they can bleed to death because the veins aren't absorbed fully.

Good luck with your hatch!
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Yeah, you're always going to get a lot of different opinions and suggestions, so ultimately you'll have to choose based on your research. This was the link I based most of my incubating off of, since I also had an LG, and ChooksChick had a lot of success with it:
I add water if my humidity got below 25%, and I had added a fan to my incubator. I'm not one to talk from experience, so I only have to rely on what I've read. I think different methods work better in different regions too.
Nice calendar... I agree with the other posts. Many people hatch at lower humidity but I have always incubated at 40% to 50% with good hatches. I have 50 in the hatcher right now due to hatch on Sunday and 5 have pipped. I have a still air incubator that I put a fan in. I incubate in a sportsman cabinet incubator and I hatch in my LG and Hova-Bator stryofoams.
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