Buff Laced Brahma Trio - 1 year old


The Omelet Ranch
10 Years
Sep 18, 2009
SF East Bay CA
Unfortunately I'm not able to keep these beauties as I need to make room for new breeds. These are the most stoic and gentle giants in my entire flock. They are are very easy to hold and great snugglers despite their enormous size! They are the epitome of eye candy. Their lacing is perfection, a gorgeous honey color. The pictures below are of the exact flock. The Rooster is tall, as you want to breed for height. Please remember these are still very much a project and patience and persistance will really pay off! Additional hen may be available as well to the winner of this auction, if desired.

Below are some quotes from Dan Powell, the originator of the breed.
The buff laced color pattern is in itself very rare in poultry, and aside from my brahmas, it is only established in Polish and Sebrights – so my flock represent a giant step in buff laced development. I have spent many years perfecting the color pattern and developing large robust birds that lay a lot of eggs in a free range environment. My flock does still produce the occasional gold laced individual, but for the dedicated breeder wishing to take on this exciting new variety or perhaps wishing to develop buff laced cochins or buff laced wyandottes, these eggs represent a tremendous opportunity. The buff laced brahma formula: I used gold laced wyandottes, blue wyandottes, gold laced cochins and a dominant white buff columbian easter egger. I bred all these to partridge, dark and buff brahmas and then backcrossed to full-blood brahmas for a few more generations. These various lines were then combined to create the buff laced feather pattern. Subsequent backcrossing and selection has been ongoing since.

For more photographs and information, please visit Dan Powell's brahma page at http://www.oneearthfarm.com/chickens/brahmas.html or at his brahma gallery at http://oneearthfarm.com/gallery/chickengallery.html




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