Skin Condition - Favus, mites, dry skin or ... (Pics)

Katie Pigtails

In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 23, 2010
Portland, OR
So my Australorp has been bald for awhile. I thought that our top hen (aka devil bird) had been ripping her feathers out. Devil bird now lives in a separate coop and her feathers aren't growing back and its been months. The skin seems very dry and there is no new feather growth. This is what she looks like.


My EE has been looking rougher and rougher over the last several months and I was beginning to think that my Australorp might be the feather picker (even though I don't know how she would have plucked her own head). This is what my EE's back looks like:


I've been checking them for bugs consistently because they both look kind of ragged. Have seen nothing. Cleaned out and whitewashed the coop last weekend. Saw no evidence of mites. Last night I noticed rough spots on my EE's skin and then found some on my Australorp. They are kind of like scaley yellowish crusty scabs. This is the best I could do at getting a picture.


They are all over the EE's back and are in the area where her feathers are a mess.

They are kept in a sand run with wood chips in their coop. They eat Cascade Layer and are still eating just fine. Droppings are normal. They seem fine except that they look like a mess... and have weird scabs on their backs!

Any ideas?
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Your EE looks exactly like mine do when they are being overmated. If you don't have a rooster, you could have a dominant hen who is mounting others just as a rooster would do. They will do this with no roo present as a gesture of dominance.
No rooster. I though my Devil bird, who is the dominant hen, might be causing the problem but she has been separated out for months and they have just gotten worse. The only two girls in that coop are the EE and the Australorp. They both have the same sores and ragged look (the EE more so).
Anyone else have any thoughts on what might be going on? I feel bad for them and hope that it isn't bothersome. Should I dust them for mites just in case?
The feather damage in pics 1&2 looks mechanical. Something is picking at them. If they are getting rougher looking without the dominant bird then I would be looking at #2 as the culprit. The scabbing in pic 3 looks a little different, but you can still see a broken off feather nearby, so I still think something is doing the damage rather than it being a skin condition. Could they be looking rougher because they are molting? It is that time of the year.

I had birds who I suspected had bugs, although I never found any evidence of bugs no matter how often I looked. I treated them all for bugs, gutted and treated the coop, and moved the coop so I had a clean run. Good thing, too. I had a terrible case of mites. I never saw them, though. I finally figured out my birds did indeed have mites when I treated them, and the next morning I was handling the birds and all this dusty stuff started falling off them. Yeah... it was dead mites raining off them. If you suspect mites, then treat for mites, but make sure you do it all the way. Two rounds of treatment for the birds 7-10 days apart, and a complete cleaning and treatment for the coop each time you treat the birds. It's a royal pain, but it may be what's needed.

Good luck.
I know this is an old post....but did you ever resolve this? I'm having the same issue with my Australorp and a Black Star....they seem totally content and happy....but look TERRIBLE! It started with a molt...and never grew back and got worse!! Now my other hen (5 months later) is starting to follow suit. Any thoughts or suggestions or resolution in your own experience would be appreciated. Thanks!

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