Dark Red Rooster with White Tail Feathers?

Does anybody know what kind of rooster this is??

This is my beautiful rooster, Bruce Lee. Someone gave him to us because he was killing their other roosters but he is very nice to us, our cat, dog and horse.
Judging by his low tail, comb and body type I would say "Bruce" is a American Game/ Oriental Game Cross.
His color could be a Pyle but could also be a Sport out of a Blue.
Thank you. All I know is he is very handsome! I'd like to get him some chickens because I read that Roosters need more than one. How do I introduce them? And is it mean to get chickens that he can't mate with?
We have a Big Daddy too, and he sounds a lot like how yours might turn out....

What kind of rooster is this? I’m sorry I can’t get the whole conversation. I had one like this that just passed. Bought him at a flea market and would love to have another of his breed. I have seen similar but this pic is almost spot on of what he looked like.
What kind of rooster is this? I’m sorry I can’t get the whole conversation. I had one like this that just passed. Bought him at a flea market and would love to have another of his breed. I have seen similar but this pic is almost spot on of what he looked like.
The person who posted that hasn't been seen on the website since August of 2019. You might start your own thread if you have photos of your late rooster.

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