I have 14 + eggs from My Blue Splash Marens pen up for your Consideration. My Blue splash lay a dark egg. I have 3 Roos 1 from "The Fancy Chick" and 2 Blue splash Helen Byers, Roos over 3 Blue hens and 3 splash hens. They are all French Standard. I ship eggs like I like to receive them double box and wrap each egg in bubble wrap. I have excellent feed Back on my shipping. PayPal is the way to pay: [email protected]....I would like to ship these eggs Saturday morning. I will ship all the eggs they lay from now till Saturday. My flocks are tested annually: TEXAS PULLORUM - TYPHOID CERTIFICATE NO# 1479
Splash Hen
Light Blue hen
This is what the Splash eggs look like, other eggs are for contrast.
Bigger Picture of the Roos and a dark Blue hen
some of the flock
Helen Byers Roo
Another Helen Byers Roo
Splash Hen

Light Blue hen

This is what the Splash eggs look like, other eggs are for contrast.

Bigger Picture of the Roos and a dark Blue hen

some of the flock

Helen Byers Roo

Another Helen Byers Roo

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