Yellow infection in eye, making hen blind, HELP!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 5, 2010
My hen has a nasty infection in her eye its yellow and oozing and WAS covering half her eye.. well the other day we picked her up and cleaned out the infection, BEYOND NASTY! Well, today i managed to catch her and I realized that the infection has covered her entire eye and has made her blind in one eye.

Anyone have any idea what it could be?
Also, shes a silkie hen.. But she always smells horrendous when you get around her, I have washed her numerous times and it never goes away.. Im wondering if it has to do with the infection in her body

This was when the infection was in her nose, but we gave her antibiotics for two weeks and it cleared up, but now that yellow stuff is covering her entire eye.. any idea what this is! I dont need a half blind chicken!


Please please let me know of anything this could be!
Due to the smell you describe, it sounds like Infectious Coryza... If it is, she may or may not get better BUT she will infect the rest of the flock!! This is a carrier type disease and she will be contagious until the day she dies... If you cull her, disinfect anything she has come into contact with (including yourself) and watch the rest of your flock closely for similar symptoms.. Cull as necessary.. If you do not cull her, you are risking the rest of your flock and will need to keep a completely closed flock (none in, none out!)...

Thats exactly what it is... its highly contagious and takes a very long time to run its course.. also she will remain a carrier after shes better and puts any other chickens at risk. If you dont plan on having other chickens and shes an "only child" I'd doctor her and try and help her but if you have others and plan on getting others I'd put her down.. sorry bout you hen
Hmmm.. Shes been with my other chickens for about 8 months or so and none have ever shown any signs of it. About a month ago I ask stuck two chicks under her so she'd stop being broody, I hope its not going to infect my other 7 hens!

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