Brown Leghorns: Pics, Info, and Resources

I'd like to add a few RC brown leghorns to my laying flock. Does anyone here sell hatching eggs? Are there any hatcheries selling decent chicks? I'm mostly looking for productivity over conformation.
I think since I'm not worried about maintaining a breed-standard exhibition flock I will just go with some hatchery pullet chicks. I got around to looking at my breeding/brooding schedule and picking up a box of peepers at the post office will be the most expedient.

Sounds like a nice breed to work with though. I've always gone with brown/green egg layers for my sales flock, since customers tend to like the colors, but I really need a production bump. My laying flock is set up to day range on about 1/2 acre, so the brown leghorns should do well.
I have 4 from McMurray. Some of them were my first layers at 22 weeks (which happened in the middle of January). They continue to lay well even with the cold weather we have been getting. So far, they are pretty low maintenance, and blend in well to the ground cover. Their big floppy combs handled the super cold weather well.

I am opposite of you, looking to add more colorful eggs to my basket with my next chick order!
That's funny! I sold off most of my 'boring' hens, barred rocks, welsummers, buffies, etc when I decided to make olivers. Now I have mostly olivers and I need balance.

I was thinking of buying from Cackle, since I've had good results from them before, and they will do a 15 chick min instead of 25.
Never a dull moment
That's funny! I sold off most of my 'boring' hens, barred rocks, welsummers, buffies, etc when I decided to make olivers. Now I have mostly olivers and I need balance.

I was thinking of buying from Cackle, since I've had good results from them before, and they will do a 15 chick min instead of 25.
Never a dull moment
We seriously could have done a swap, LOL! I have 2 Welsummer pullets, 2 Cuckoo Maran Pullets, 5 straight run Black Penciled Cochin Bantams (to work as broodies, hopefully), and one Welsummer Roo and one EE Roo. But really, the leghorns kick it out on production. I don't think they have missed a day since they have started. 10:30 am is rush hour at the nesting boxes. They are super loud when they need to lay and egg. I can't blame them for the size of the egg that comes out of that slender body!

I have never ordered from Cackle. McMurray does the 15 chick minimum in the warmer months. My order came in August, and all but one survived. I still have them all (minus another one due to a hawk incident) and they are super healthy. No problems. This latest order will come from Ideal because they too, allow smaller orders.

chicken math strikes again.

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