Cats and chickens...

The Red Rooster

Poultry Observer
8 Years
Aug 14, 2011
Rapid City, South Dakota
Ever seen this before?
Captions please...

I have two (2) cats that have grown up with the chickens. Over the weekend when I was cleaning out the coop, Smokey sat on on the roosts and watched and kept me company, coming up the chicken ramp to get inside with me. The hens and roosters COMPLETELY ignore them, don't feel threatened at all. If we are in the run, they cry by the fence until we let them in to be with us all. It really is something to watch. I have no worries at all, even when the chicks were young.
i used to have a wild mom cat that slept with my birds,, soon even her babies played and ate and slept with the birds, they all learn who is boss after a while lol, once in a while they"ll even let you think your the boss hehe ;)

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