bantam breeds


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 18, 2012
I want to get a bantam breed chicken but im not sure what to get.Im looking for a beautiful breed thats clean legged,docile and easy to train.
EEs are Easter Eggers, called so because they most often lay green or bluish eggs, occasionally pink or brown. I don't know of a hatchery that sells them bantam sized. (Hatcheries sell them as Ameraucanas and all its misspellings, but they are not true Ameraucanas. Those you can only get from a reliable breeder.)
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I'd go with Modern Game bantams. Mine are really sweet and easy to tame for shows, and they usually come right up to me. Here's my little old man, Napoleon, and his ladies, Paprika & Minnie:

i would second self blue OEGB but mine looks like this

he looks awfull in these last two picks. got picked on by a buff brahma roo all better now :D need to get more recent pics...

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