Lots guinea photos from today- just to show some different colors....


9 Years
Oct 27, 2010
Cement, OK
I wanted to take some pics to show all my different colors of guineas. Also wanted to show that the 2 I questioned about being bronze as described when I bought them last fall, their colors didn't change! Their wings have bronzing but they are the color of chocolates.

Here are some of my birds.... the ones I was able to bribe with fresh grass clippings.
My photobucket pics are not showing up-- will have to load through BYC I guess!!! Grrrrrr
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The pic above is one that I was questioning the color on, it is getting dark, so the color isn't showing true. Just posted since the pic showed her undercarriage.
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Wow, you have some really different colors, they are beautiful! I've never seen some of these darker chocolate/bronze colors before, they really are lovely!
We searched hard for our color assortment. It was well worth the time! I can't wait until I start hatching this season..... Each hatch should be as colorful as a bag of skittles!
I spent so long trying to get a few pics DH offered to get me a new camera for my birthday. I love the slate blue & browns the most.
He looks like a Bronze to me. The one in the third picture that is closest to the camera looks to be Bronze too. The one to the right of him has no bronze color on his wings so that one looks to be a Royal Purple; that would be a good picture to compare those two colors!
I have 2 that are much lighter than my other Bronze. This pic here shows how much lighter they are. My Bronze are as dark as my Royal Purples. Both of the light colored birds are females. It was the only 2 in the bunch. They came from an auction where I bought a cage of guineas that were all suppose to be brown & bronze. These are the only light colored that have the bronzing. Females are usually darker if there is a color difference right??????? I just go after the birds I think are pretty, the genetics of it is WAY above my head!
Gorgeous flock! I definitely see both Chocolate and Bronze birds there (I also see a few Browns, and I think I see Slates and Violets too?) Beautiful variety!

As far as I know, there's no difference between the color of the male and female Bronzes, but the amount of Bronze on them can vary (not sex related tho). A Bronze Guinea should be a black feathered based bird, (same as a Royal Purple especially in the flank and underbelly area), but with very distinct bronze tinting/coloring on the wings and some across the back area. My Royal Purples lighten on their back area from sunfade each summer, but molt back out dark, then fade again... but the flank feathers always stay dark. I do have a few Bronzes, but they aren't very Bronzy... to me they just seem more like sunfaded Royal Purples with some bronze tint on their wings.

If the flank feathers and underbelly area are a brown color on your birds in question, even a deep mocha brown color, and they also have the bronze tint/coloring on the wings, then I would say they are Chocolates, just darker than what a lot of others breed (my Chocolates are dark). The Chocolate males can be lighter than the Hens, but they can also be just as dark as the Hens (mostly depends on genetics). There was a lengthy discussion on another forum recently about my Chocolates being considered Bronzes... (I was positive they were Chocolates tho because of the color that they were as keets, but others disagreed). I ended up contacting Ralph Winter, owner of The Guinea Farm to confirm the color for me, I had him look at about a dozen pics, (poor guy) lol. The Chocolate color (shade/intensity) definitely varies from bloodline to bloodline from dark to light, and I've come to learn it's also a VERY difficult color to photograph!

Here's a pic of one of my Chocolate Hens next to one of my Royal Purple Hens... showing their underbelly areas in bright sunlight. You can see what I mean about brown and black feathers:

And here's a rare pic (taken in the shade, with a flash I) that actually catches how brown 2 of my Chocolates look (but they are very Bronze looking huh?)
The fully pearled Hens in the background are my Brown Hens.

Here's the same Hens in full sunlight, with a Royal Purple for comparison (See what I mean abotu difficult color to photograph!)

Thanks for posting updated pics of your flock, I've been very curious how those Hens turned out! And I can't wait to see your hatches too! Any signs of eggs yet?
Peeps I will have to look @ your pics in detail when I am @ my pc (hard to see them well on my phone) I keep checking for eggs but none yet-- my peahen has laid 3 eggs this month. I have slate, violet, royal purple, bronze, brown, chocolate, sky blue, coral, white, buff dundotte pearl & lavender. Think the slate are amazing looking... I let the pearl & lavender free range the pics I took were from my penned flock. I am considering no longer keeping the common colored pearl & lavender (the market is saturated with them). Then I would let the darker colored "fancy" ones free range. Where I am I won't let the light color birds free range since they get snatched up by predators. Every pied guinea I had has disappeared. The white shinning was a calling card to every critter around.

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