This is Lily, Lily is 9 months old now we got her as a 7.5 month old PB. I am in question if she is pregnant or just overweight. We had a male PB named Wilbur who was shy of ONE DAY of being neutered when we got Lily. Lily got out of her own pen when she came sometime in the middle of the night the first night we got her and was in Wilburs pen when I got up that morning for chores. Wilbur was neutered that morning and they have been in the same pen but hes snipped so the only chance of getting pregnant was that one night before he got snipped.
Feb 2nd was the night that they were together (before snipping) so that would make her a month and half.
They are foraging A LOT more now since the snows all gone and have 10 acres of finding goodies I am sure. However, Wilbur is not putting on as much weight and they exercise all day long. I have cut food back to 1 cup in the morning I havent provided treats only hay, which they barely will touch.
What do you think? I tryed to get the best side and best front shot but they love to move Any advice if she is overweight how can I help her.. otherwise maybe shes just putting on her adult weight????