Our Buff Brahma "Treestump" went broody at the end of last month, and we are proud to present her brood of 6 mixed chicks!
The daddy is an Easter Egger, and the various eggs belonged to different hens: 1 RIR, 4 Brahmas and 1 EE.
Here's Mamma with 4 of her peeps:

I *think* from left to right: EE, EE/Brahma, EE/Brahma

Here's the EE/RIR:

Here's Daddy:

The daddy is an Easter Egger, and the various eggs belonged to different hens: 1 RIR, 4 Brahmas and 1 EE.
Here's Mamma with 4 of her peeps:
I *think* from left to right: EE, EE/Brahma, EE/Brahma
Here's the EE/RIR:
Here's Daddy: