We have four 9 week old chicks (all different breeds) and I was pretty sure they are all pullets but this week our Light Brahma's comb and cheeks are turning red fast. Does this mean she's a he? She doesn't act like a roo I don't think but were new to chickens.
I am new to chickens too. I have 3 and 2 of them ended up as roosters, their combs turned red fast and the hens still isn't red at almost 4 months. The roosters also have big wattles already and you can barely see the females. I am definatly not positive but I am leaning towards rooster
At least we live in the country where Roosters are okay but still was hoping for all layers. He/She doesnt act 'cocky' but seems pretty submissive but maybe that's just individual personality?
I think its a pullet. I will go out and take a pic of mine and show you why I think that. Although the comb is pink. My boy's comb is red and bigger and also yours tail says pullet too