One of my runner duck eggs hatched into this chick?


10 Years
Nov 22, 2009
Central Oregon Coast
I bought some runner duck eggs mail order, imagine my surprise when this chick hatched out!! What breed do you suppose it is?

I was looking at pictures and noticed he/she has nulti-colored toes.

Wow, that is a big, and cute, surprise! Looks like an Australorp or Jersey Giant to me. Check the bottoms of its feet - yellow = Jersey Giant, and white = Australorp.
i was just about to as the same thing

what was the egg like

if white as usually duck eggs are then it could be a leghorn hybrid

if brown then i would have been suspicias from day 1 that its not a duck
Here are the original eggs. The color varied a bit light and dark but nothing really white, though if they were laid in straw or alfalfa they could have picked up color from that. I took the picture just after I unpacked them from the very beat up box. USPS has been very rough with packages lately, I started taking out insurance when I ship or order eggs. Seven (6) of the nine (9) remaining eggs hatched, only one hatched into the black chick! Wondering if it came from one of the 2 darker green eggs on the far left, hmmm.

The bottom of her feet are the same mixed yellow and black color as the tops, only maybe a little more yellow on the bottoms and the black is a lighter color, more gray. Forgot my camera when Mom and I went to look at the bottoms of her feet and Momma hen was very upset we were chasing her babies around the room so I didn't want to go back a second time just to take a picture of the bottom of her/his feet.

My mother and I were so thrilled with the chocolate runners when I ran into some fawn & white in the feed store the other day I had to buy a few. Our Momma hen took them right in as well as 2 light colored chicks we had left over from a bator hatch. She is a great Momma!
It is really just a wait and see game I guess, but it is fun to try and figure it out!
It's funny how the 3 chicks stay on the fringe on the duckling pack. The chicks always run right under momma hen when she calls and the ducklings do not. The chicks always sleep under momma and always run to her for cover. The ducklings will sometimes sleep next to her but since they all started venturing out of the nest, most of the time they form their own pile under the heat lamp. Momma hen fluffs out and prepares to attack no matter which chick or duckling you might pick up, they are all hers!!!!! Human children learn the language their parents speak but chicks are apparently born with some instincts and knowledge of their language, I assume from personal experience and observations. The ducklings appear to know she is momma but she is obviously speaking a foreign tongue! LOL

The person I bought them from said she gets them from her friends farm. She said the chickens running with the ducks are mixes but the only rooster she has ever seen with them is a silkie. She also said it is possible one of her own kids played with the eggs before she packed them and they could have switched one out with her own chickens eggs which would make the chick an Australorp cross.

I have no way of knowing what egg it hatched out of, we didn't know the little bugger was there until we started checking for any hatched ducklings, which would have been a week after the chick hatched. I am surprised our momma hen kept sitting that long after the first chick hatched but she must have known the rest of the eggs were still viable?

All the eggs below are the same eggs, lighting and angles are slightly different, so sometimes they look completely different colors! They just look like eggs to me, chicken, duck, (all look the same). The 3rd egg from the left on the bottom row looks smaller then the others in some pictures but it also looks green in some and pink in others. LOL. The second and 5th egg (the one Silverfox0786 mentioned) on the lower row both look the same to me.

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