Funny photo contest


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 2, 2011
I am fairly new to BYC and i came across the contest and shows so i decided to try my hand at them. :) so i decided to start a contest for funny pics. all breeds and species welcome. all thats required is 1. the name of animals in picture. 2. name of photo. i figured it is something fun to do! contest ends 5/5/12 good luck!
Webcam quality photo, but pretty funny if I do say so myself. Me and my new silkie being derps together.

love the pics they make me smile
Webcam quality photo, but pretty funny if I do say so myself.  Me and my new silkie being derps together.

I love this one, it's funny. :lol:
I'm looking through my old photos to see if I can find anything worth entering. :p
Ah, here we go. I thought it was lying on the branch for a moment. :lol:

I have many lorikeet pictures if anyone is interested o-o
I used to have a decent camera, lol

(These are lorikeets too, but they're the rainbow sort. The one in the previous pic was a musk. Sorry, forgot to say before)
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