Please help with Brahma chicks I was ISO pictures of Brahma chicks at age 6 weeks....PICTURES ADDED!


8 Years
Jul 6, 2011
I have a Dark Brahma that was the packing peanut with my order. It is 6 weeks old and is smaller than the other chicks, considerably smaller than the 2 other Brahmas that we have that are a week older. I am wondering if it could be a bantam or if it is really slow to develop. I thought it was a boy for a long time, but now I am not sure. I will try to get a pic of him and the other brahma that is one week older.

Okay, I managed to get a few pictures of them....sadly they would not cooperate with photos with each other. The first set of pictures is of Duke or maybe Dutchess. This is the Brahma that was the packing peanut (free and rare) bird from the hatchery.

The following pictures are of Peanut Butter. This is a Brahma we picked up at the feed store, this one is a week older than Duke. Duke is six weeks, Peanut Butter is seven. When we bought Peanut Butter we also got another one from the same bin that was marked Dark Brahma Pullets. Jelly is easily twice the size of Peanut Butter. They were the same size when we picked them, but Jelly has just grown like it is on steroids or something. When I look at this Peanut Butter in these picture it looks kinda roo-ish to me, but I am not certain, this is my first experience with Brahmas.

I had not really noticed those pointy neck feathers until I looked at these pictures.

So what do you think? Boys girls? Could Duke be a Dutchess and a bantam?

Edited to add pictures.
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Here are the pics of Jelly and one of Peanut Butter and Jelly together as well as one of Duke next to his mates.

Here she is on top of the ecoglow. That is Peanut Butter in the background to the left. The NN and Cuckoo Marans that share the ecoglow with her are the one week younger than Jelly.

Here she is again, with PB in the background.

And another of them side by side. See how much bigger she is than PB.

And finally another shot of Duke or Dutchess, with a Mottled Houdan and a Cuckoo Marans. I know it is not fair to compare different breeds when it comes to size, but they are all the same age. The brahma seems small compared to the others. And next to Jelly, who is only a week older, it looks like a mini bird.

This post was edited to add pics.
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Now after noticing those pointy neck feathers in Peanut Butter yesterday every time I walk by the brooder it looks more and more roo-ish. Really hope someone might help me out with this.

I do know your dark brahma is a boy. They are sexed by feather coloring. Your light brahma looks like a pullet so far.(I think)

Here's my dark brahma pullet/hen

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So I have one vote for a roo and one for a pullet. Any other input?

@Nicole, your light brahma hen is beautiful. :)
Thanks. I have a light brahma in the brooder that I think is a boy, but we are keeping him/her either way. Light brahmas are hard to sex, dark brahmas are very easy to sex by the penciling of the feathers. Only girls have the penciling, boys feathers come in black.

BTW, I love your flock! I have a big variety of breeds myself since I need to have one of everything!
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Thanks. I have a light brahma in the brooder that I think is a boy, but we are keeping him/her either way. Light brahmas are hard to sex, dark brahmas are very easy to sex by the penciling of the feathers. Only girls have the penciling, boys feathers come in black.
BTW, I love your flock! I have a big variety of breeds myself since I need to have one of everything!

Awe thanks, this is my first experience with Brahmas. I have about 18 different breeds and some mutts in my whole flock. What is in the brooder is just chicks we bought this year. Ironically, the day the order was to come in from the hatchery we stopped at the feed store and my son and his girlfriend fell in love with those light brahmas, he was practically begging me to get them. Then another gal swooped in and bought them out from under us. She then proceeded to buy all the other chicks in the store, but one. Really, she was going to leave one little chick all by itself in the store. This really upset my son and he made a comment about how cruel that was, at first I thought we were going to end up with it, I don't even remember now what it was...a bantam though. I don't have any bantams, so I said no. So then I think she felt bad about what she was doing and offered to let us take two of her brahmas. At this point they were already boxed up and the sales gal just reached in and grabbed two. We didn't get to pick them. Well Peanut Butter was a bit smaller and had a huge case of Pasty Butt. So we decided to name it Peanut Butter (PB) and the other Jelly. PB has just never grown at the rate of the other, so I wondered if it was a boy. Perhaps it is just slow to develop. Then later that night when we got the call from the PO that our chicks were in Duke was "rare" freebie. I have read over and over that they are generally boys, but it is soooo little I wondered if it was also a bantam. That is why I was looking for pictures of other peoples brahmas so I could get an idea of how "off" his growth might be. I have one other chick in my brooder that I am pretty sure is a Rooster...a BLRW. These will be my first experiences with boys, as I have always kept my flock hens only.
Here is my light brahma at 4 weeks, look at the comb.

But yet my salmon Faverolle which I know is a pullet has a red comb as well at 6/7 weeks.

Maybe it's the vitamins and probiotics making their combs red early? My last group did this too and I have all hens in the coop.

Hopefully someone else has an opinion on your light Brahma's. They look like pullets to me.

I have a d'uccle bantam, which seems to be the favorite of our family! I get 5 eggs a week from her!
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