100 Pictures of My Flock (Pic Heavy!)


Fuzzy Feather Fanatic
13 Years
Jun 9, 2011
My Coop
My Coop
I’m taking the summer off for the first time since I started college and to celebrate, I have decided to do a little project. I call it, ‘100 Pictures of My Flock’. Essentially, I’ve thought up 100 themes for pictures and before I go back to school this August, I am making it my goal to take one unique picture fitting each theme, 100 pictures total.

As an additional note, most of these themes are supposed to be open to multiple meanings. I have a few that I have in mind what I’m going to do for them, but I wanted most of them to be the spur-of-the-moment, coincidental, just-happened-to-catch-this kinds of pictures. As such, I will not be staging any of these pictures unless I feel by the end of summer break that it will be the only way to get them.

Here is my checklist. (And no, I don’t plan on going in order. :lol: ) EDIT: Click on any checked theme to go to the post it was in!

This summer, I want to get a picture of:
{X} 1. what hens do in the rain
{X} 2. a broody glare
{X} 3. wattle action
{X} 4. a Guinea ballet
{X} 5. the Fluff-Butt Championships
{X} 6. chicken bed-time
{X} 7. a lucky hen
{ } 8. a broody bath
{ } 9. a day at the spa
{X} 10. a Bantam on too many eggs
{ } 11. naughty hens
{X} 12. a Happy Hatchday cake
{X} 13. an unlucky hen
{X} 15. a hen-squat
{X} 16. the wettest beard
{X} 17. camping with chickens
{ } 18. sunbathing hens
{X} 19. sweaty chicken pits
{X} 20. screamin’ Guineas
{ } 21. my little mousers in action
{X} 22. a close-up
{X} 23. close-ups on feathers
{X} 24. close-ups on combs
{X} 25. the DUN-DUN-DUNNNN banty
{ } 26. crouching Guinea
{ } 27. hidden chicken
{X} 28. kids with chickens
{X} 29. chicken football
{X} 30. chickens ‘flying’
{X} 31. a chicken swarm
{X} 32. gardening with chickens
{X} 33. rafter banties
{X} 34. NOM
{X} 35. GULP
{?} 36. the most eggs in one box by the hens
{X} 37. an egg rainbow
{ } 38. the most hens in one shot
{X} 39. preen time
{X} 40. the coop opening for the day
{ } 41. bubbles!
{X} 42. a cool summer snack
{ } 43. a first-time snack
{X} 44. expressing excitement
{ } 45. Guineas in the grass
{X} 46. the solstice sunrise
{ } 47. the joy of fresh-mowed grass
{ } 48. muddy feet
{X} 49. a shady spot to nap
{X} 50. dust kicking up
{X} 51. nervous Guineas
{X} 52. the first tomato snack
{X} 53. the first tomato worm snack
{X} 54. apple cores!!
{ } 55. ruffled feathers
{ } 56. a hen in a tree
{ } 57. rockin’ time
{X} 58. BUCKWHEAT..!
{X} 59. when it’s too hot to free range
{ } 60. an odd egg
{X} 61. a caption-worthy shot
{X} 62. a staring contest
{X} 63. a rooster crowing
{X} 64. a visitor
{X} 65. flight of the Guineas
{ } 66. BOSS
{X} 67. lap chickens
{ } 68. the ‘building inspectors’
{X} 69. jail birds
{X} 70. one old bird
{X} 71. a Guinea treat
{X} 72. chicken prints
{X} 73. evidence!
{X} 74. lost feathers
{X} 75. a Guinea above
{X} 76. the ‘Bird-Eye’
{ } 77. windswept birds
{X} 78. a strange pairing
{ } 79. a flower portrait
{ } 80. a tight squeeze
{X} 81. hens in the woods
{ } 82. a … what in the world?
{X} 83. fluffing it out
{ } 84. a ‘tightrope’ walk
{X} 85. a calming sunset
{X} 86. a hen on a mission
{ } 87. follow the leader
{X} 88. a hen coming over
{X} 89. a hen running AWAY!
{X} 90. wings out
{X} 91. a place *obviously* meant for chickens
{X} 92. a panting Guinea
{X} 93. a really fresh egg
{ } 95. a pretty Guinea
{X} 96. an uncomfortable pose
{ } 97. a Guinea dust bath
{X} 98. the egg song in action
{X} 99. the stinkiest stink-eye
{ } 100. a brave hen

71 / 100 completed!
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I am home early from my camping trip (because, who would'a thought, sleeping on the ground under a tree is not comfortable), so I've started taking pictures for this thread! Some are from last night and some are from this morning.

My hens are clearly not shy about squatting for the camera. I got squats from all angles:



Even the rare, elusive Cubby-hen-squat:

I also surprised Merlin from behind so badly that she squatted:

But I found that Flicker's squat was the most worthy in this batch of 15. a hen-squat:

Olive is very interested in the camera. Whenever she sees it, she gets right up to the lens, perfect for 22. a close-up:

Alas, we have a Scooter-Broody and a Vespa-Broody, and since broodies are not welcome in my coop, they must become 69. jail birds:

I thought Chickie was really showing her age when I took these pictures for 70. one old bird:

And we have some candidates for the following:

Because I won't know what the winner of 36. the most eggs in one box by the hens will be until the very end, our current placeholder for it is 8 eggs:

The girls were plenty willing to try for 99. the stinkiest stink-eye. However, even though these eyes are stinky, I'm thinking there could be one even stinkier out there.




And a couple that don't quite fit a theme but were good enough to share:

I'm sorry, Vespa, but you're too cute to have the stinkiest stink-eye:

This could be the beginning of a Guinea ballet, but it isn't quite enough to make one:

(Please let me know if my pictures are too big!)
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That's some serious squatting action. They surely respect you as their rooster. I must ask, sweaty chicken pits?
And now, ladies and gentlemen, I give you 4. a Guinea ballet:



Here's the 12. a Happy Hatchday cake:


Here we have 25. the DUN-DUN-DUNNNN banty, Amy. (She just has that look like she will end all days, doesn't she? :lol: )

Amy is also 33. a rafter banty:

We gave the hens stale cereal the other day, and Cressy took a good picture for 34. NOM:

Meanwhile, Kate gave me a nice drinking picture for 35. GULP:

This Guinea is 83. fluffing it out:

Stand back, it's 62. a staring contest!:

The rain gave me an opportunity to find 72. chicken prints:

(I can highlight the prints if anyone has difficulty seeing them. :) )

Whenever I crouch, I can rely on Freema to come over for 88. a hen coming over:

And I have another candidate for 99. the stinkiest stink-eye. Amy gives me this look every time I have to get her out of the rafters:
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My apologies for not updating here in a while! I have quite a few pictures from the past couple weeks, plus I will most likely be taking more pictures this afternoon, too.

Those of you who own Guineas know that it doesn't take much to convince them to scream (20. screamin' Guineas):

We tilled the spot where we planned to put our pumpkin and watermelon vines. The girls thought they could help, and we soon found ourselves 32. gardening with chickens:

I washed the eggs the other night, and they made such a beautiful 37. egg rainbow:


I laughed out loud when I saw these two Guineas. I thought this was 61. a caption-worthy shot:

(And I would love to see any captions that anyone has to offer for this shot! :D )

This is Toes, our 7-year-old rooster who was among our first chickens (so named because he lost his toes during his first winter.) He always produces that classic 63. rooster crow and does so with such grace and dignity:

Sparrow, the human-shy, uber-broody Wyandotte hen. Here she is, 89. running AWAY!:

And the last two pics of Blizzy came close, but they didn't quite qualify for 50. dust kicking up. (She's kicking, but it's dirt, not dust ;) ):


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