Leghorn Cockerel?

The Red Rooster

Poultry Observer
8 Years
Aug 14, 2011
Rapid City, South Dakota
I have a 6 week old Leghorn who I think is a cockerel.

Reasons why I'm thinking cockerel.

Red wattles and comb.

Fights more then the others.

More of an upright posture.

Any ideas and thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

The chick in question is a leghorn pullet. Leghorns generally have a larger comb then other breeds right from the start. A cockeral's would be a much deeper red and much larger then yours is right now. It is very common for pullets to show dominance and fight with other pullets. They have a pecking order they are trying to establish and this hen will probably end up to be "top hen".
I have 2 or 3 leghorn pullets and they all looked the same as yours when they were that age. At 9 weeks old, I have one with a comb & waddles that are a little redder and little bigger than the others, but I still believe they are all pullets because of what everyone else has said - the white leghorn roosters develop a whole lot faster than the girls...

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