Four weeks ago I posted pics of my 6, then 2-week old SF chicks. They were purchased as straight run from Estes Hatchery. At that time, we thought there were 3 pullets & 3 cockerels. Fast forward 4 weeks and I have FOUR pullets for sure
. They all have cream colored breasts and the salmon color on their backs/wings. But I'm completely confused by the other two. These guys are hatchery stock, so I already know they don't have the greatest coloration. In fact, one of the known girls has yellow (!!) legs, (but still has 5 toes, feathered shanks, proper color, muff/beard, etc.) so who knows what's really behind them. Oh, and no development or color change in the combs to speak of. So, here are Puzzle & Quiz. Are they pullets or cockerels?
First is Quiz. S/he has pretty much the same dark brown coloration on her back and chest. The chest feathers are tipped in a very chocolate brown -- not quite black.
Next is Puzzle. And this one really has me puzzled!! S/he has some black feathering on the chest, but virtually none in the wing.
First is Quiz. S/he has pretty much the same dark brown coloration on her back and chest. The chest feathers are tipped in a very chocolate brown -- not quite black.
Next is Puzzle. And this one really has me puzzled!! S/he has some black feathering on the chest, but virtually none in the wing.