cuckoo maran or barred rock???

If I recall correctly I thought Marans had white skin. Rocks have yellow skin. The birds pictured appear to be yellow but it can be hard to say for sure in a picture. Look at the bottom of the feet to see for sure.
not all marans have feathered legs but with that being said you have 2 barred rocks.

1. the barring is way to even for the cuckoo pattern which is uneven barring
2. the legs of a cuckoo are supposed to be white not yellow/slate (if they were bcm then they should be slate)
3. at least you have 2 pretty pullets :D
thank you! and good thing they are girls
that sucks. when do you think it will crow? cause when it does it needs to go, my dad will kill me lol
some better pics would help old is it? the redness of the comb and wattles and thats what has me leaning towards a cockerel on it


1. from the side with it standing
2. one showing the comb like that one pic
3. if you want to a shot from the top

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