Leghorn or Leghorn mix?


7 Years
Mar 9, 2012
North Carolina
We picked up these 4 from the "Mixed Pullet" bin at TSC back in March. They are 16 weeks old. I believe they are all girls but wanted to make sure and also wondered if you could help me with possible breeds. I am pretty sure the one on the left with poo on her neck is a leghorn, but the others are shaped differently...not as thin, and their tails are very different. I couldn't get all 4 in one picture so I've got these 3...Millie, Max and Maybelle.

And here's Melody. She's definitely got some brown coloring along with a black feather or two. I should also add that the black on their backs is from hanging out under my car!

Thanks in advance!!
I'm no expert, I"m sure others will have more info, but they look like the Austra White I have, which is a cross between an australorp and a leghorn!
There are sooooo many mixes and blends of these birds being sold these days, it is very hard to say. Tetra (the Eastern European Poultry Group) along with about every other poultry genetics corporations make variations on these commercial hybrids. Frankly, they aren't purebred, they're blends, so any name given to them by the various hatcheries is just a marketing tool anyhow. Everything has gotta be called something, right?

Yes, here's the important thing. They are healthy. They are very, very pretty, and likely lay lots and lots of eggs. Enjoy them.
I don't think they are Austra Whites because as day old chicks they were solid yellow. We had to put food coloring dots on their heads to tell them apart. Now it's pretty easy, one has brown coloring (Melody), one holds her tail down (Maybelle), one is a little wider or fatter (Max), and one is tall & skinny (Millie). Melody, the one with brown feathers is the only one that had a black feather.

As for the earlobes, I think they are yellow...
Here's a better picture of Max - remember the black on her back is from my car:

And a better picture of Millie - the one I think is the only Leghorn:
Yes, here's the important thing. They are healthy. They are very, very pretty, and likely lay lots and lots of eggs. Enjoy them.

Awe! Thanks!! We do enjoy them - LOTS!! Max is my son's favorite chicken. He carries her around all over the yard. They'll just sit together in the yard and watch the other chickens together! Even when my son lets go, Max will still just sit with him. It's GREAT!
Millie is definitely a Leghorn-she is beautiful!! All your chickens are, even with the car dirt on them! :p sounds like my chickens! lol My mom actually got a "leghorn" out of the leghorn bin at TSC and it has the brown on its neck and the black spots to, so weird! Wonder what they really are or what mixes, it sure is a mystery and it has had us stumped for months!
I thought I'd give an update since they have started laying eggs...from the first picture the hen on the far left (Millie-tail up) and up close (Maybelle-with her tail down) are laying white eggs. Max (first picture in the back) and Melody (from the 2nd picture) are laying brown eggs. So, I think that means that the first two are White Leghorns and the 2nd two are some sort of mix. TSC said possible breeds included Tetra Tint, so I'm going with that although I know that there is no way to know for sure.

Right after Melody started laying, I think we got 3 eggs from her, she was eaten by a predator, so we are pretty bummed out!! She was a really sweet girl! :-(

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