quail brooder size?

AZ Birds

7 Years
Jan 28, 2012
Goodyear, AZ
i recently bought 100+ quail eggs that are due in about 2 weeks and want to get started on there brooder but dont know what size to make it, so i was wondering if someone could tell me what size my brooder should be for a 100 chicks from birth to 4 weeks of age? not saying im going to hatch that many just want to build it just in case. i get ply wood and window screen for free so making a comfortable size for the birds is not a problem.
I am right there with you. I am expecting my 100 eggs in the mail today. I built a brooder about 2 weeks ago. It is 36 x 36. I hope it is big enough.
the only thing i could think of is doing a formula like this if at 6 weeks they need 1sqft a bird i would half that for 3 week old so it would be 6sq inches a bird which means for a 100 birds i would need 600 square inches change that to feet and you get 50sqft so i would need a 5ft x 10ft brooder right?
. i would like to see what the quail experts say though since im a newbie.
GQF has a brooder that is 32"x38" and is rated for 100 quail for 4 weeks. I just hatched out some quail and chukar and got them in plastic totes. It does take up some room but they are not over crowded. If you have the space for 5 x 10, go for it.

If there Jum/brn or A&M thy will not be able to move by3 weeks without say excuse me..They will be shoulder to shoulder.I am in the process of butchering 100 8/9 week old .The last 3/5 weeks they have been inTwo cages. One 3x6 ft and one 2x6 and thats adequate but (next time I will maybe have 2 3x6 ...cva34
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What kind of quail are they? I think it would be best to candle the eggs and see how many fertilized. If it was me I just build a pen for adult and block a corner with cardboard box to raise chick in there. I have coturnix quail and require much less room. The weather is warm, you can move them outside in 2 weeks.
What kind of quail are they? I think it would be best to candle the eggs and see how many fertilized. If it was me I just build a pen for adult and block a corner with cardboard box to raise chick in there. I have coturnix quail and require much less room. The weather is warm, you can move them outside in 2 weeks.

suppose to be jumbo brown. i tried candling and cant see a thing although some have darker mass then others. the weather thing i was wondering about since it gets 110 every day here and at night in high 90's does that mean i can skip the whole process of keeping them inside in a brooder or now do i have to protect them from the hot weather? haha

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