Bobwhite quail mutations Thread


9 Years
May 31, 2010
Kalamazoo, MI
I wanna everyones Bobwhite quail variations and mutations! I had a lot of different ones, but i got out of it and now I'm getting back in! so lets see em! post away!
I have the parents, but really do not know what type of bobwhite (thought they might be tennessee red, but I'm confused on that point), these pics are of the same quail i incubated last summer, trying some more this year, pics on post...
the 10 mos old sibling named bright eyes and two new siblings (haven't name them yet) from the same parents

new to your forums, so do not have a lot of knowledge, just really new to the 'quail addiction'

thks for letting me share

Here are the original pics of when bright eyes pipped

left one did not survive

picture taken 06-07-12 9 mos old

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finally some pictures or somethin! those are nice tennessee reds! I had some of those. Right now i just have Wisconsin Jumbo chicks...Maybe i should put up pics..

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