My 7 week old silkie chicks

Momma 2 silkies

7 Years
May 26, 2012
I just wanted to share some pictures of my babies. I can't believe how much they change in just a small amount of time. I believe this is a splash cockerel but not 100% sure. This is one of my favorite partridge chicks, believe it is a cockerel too. Very sweet and the first to me every time.
One of my lovely whites, I can't tell what these little ones are yet.
Not sure if the buff is a cockerel or not but they were chest bumping and this is a shot I.
Here's a shot of a small group of my babies, these were the original 6 I bought and then added the 4 whites. Love my chicks and very proud of how lovely they are and just wanted to share a few pictures with everyone.
My favorite, when she was born, was a gray silkie, but very shortly turned all white. She looks like her mama, but doesn't have mama's sweet nature (love people). She's not mean, but she hates me. I'll try to get some pictures up tomorrow. I love the silkies.
Mine are sweet for the most part but my whites aren't as friendly as the rest. I don't know if its because they are from a hatchery or what it is but they are so different from my colored chicks. I love my silkies and want more but will have to wait and see what happens with these before I get more. I looked T a lot of bantam breeds before I went with the silkies, I might get a few cochin bantams to, my hubby likes those. The only thing I don't really like about my silkies, my white chicks are always dirty, always no matter what I try. Good luck with your babies or soon to be silkie babies.
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They are so cute, I plan on getting some at the beginning of next month hopefully, am doing my research now :)
Cute! I've got two silkie babies and they are precious. They love perching on my shoulders and playing with my hair. They are black 4-6 week old chicks(I'm not sure exactly how old). Their names are Izzy and Lizzie. They are the biggest in my bunch of new chicks.

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