Australorp - Pullets or Cockerels


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 25, 2012
Greensboro, NC
I thought I had this one figured out weeks ago, but the buggers are throwing me. These two are 19 weeks and not the first egg or crow. Pat (couldn't tell what it was so I went ambiguious with the name) was the first to start growing a comb, but then it just stopped, where as Jolene (might be Joe) caught right up and passed 'Ol Pat. I swear I'll see saddle feathers and then I'll change my mind. Oh, and I could have sworn I saw Jolene squat yesterday. Anyway, thanks for looking and helping out!




Pat on left, Jolene on right



Action shot of Jolene!
Pat's a Patricia. Jo is a bit more suspicious. I have a 20 wk Australorp and she looks like your Jo over the last few weeks. The only thing that looks rooish are its hackle feathers. But a still think a 19 wk Australorp roo should have more roo like feathers (assuming your dating is correct)
Pat the pullet.

Jolene is most likely a dominant pullet who is getting near POL. She's rather manly looking and I'm not 100 % sure on her. Sometimes the dominant pullet will develop secondary sexual characteristics quicker than her subordinates.

Here's a photo of my dominant pullet at 22 weeks. Note how she chooses to place herself higher than the other pullets.

Stan the cockerel in the center. All the others are pullets. Everyone is 25 weeks of age in this photo.

Jolene is definitely top chicken. She pushes my two dogs around. Pat just seems so big, but if you guys say pullet that will just be one more egg in my basket!
Oh my, this is just like my situation. My two Australorps- Pearl and Charmander are almost 17 weeks old now. Charmander was the biggest but neither of them really started developing combs or wattles until about a week and a half ago. Pearl has bypassed Charmander in comb and wattle growth so I was really starting to get worried. But yet, they both look exactly the same other than that. So this gives me a lot of hope that we just have one pullet that is a little ahead in maturity than the other. :) Time will tell.
Most cockerels have obvious wattle and comb development by 6 weeks. This is Stan at 5 weeks

Here is his sister, Askew, at the same age.

Two pullets (top) and a cockerel (bottom). Yes, the one in the center had me worried but she developed into a pullet.

arg.. my 4 weeks old 'female" australorp from MPC has about the same comb and wattles size as Stan at 5 weeks... I'm still in denial, but it looks more and more like my BA Audrey is a boy...
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