Egg collection baskets


14 Years
Jan 25, 2010
Monticello, Arkansas
Was just curious, what do you use to collect your eggs in?

Please post a photo of your egg basket/bucket.

I learned from experience to never carry eggs in my jacket pocket or similiar location. Over the years I have used everything possible. From peck garden baskets , buckets and milk jugs with a hole cut in them. Last year we were at a Dollar Tree and found these coated wire baskets. We now have them in several colors so the children each have their own. Heaven forbid someone should use the wrong basket. Jacob's is green; Nicole's is light blue; and Danyelle's is red/pink. The rest of us "borrow" theirs when we are gathering eggs.

We place a folded paper towl in the bottom of each basket and a short pencil. These remain in the basket at all times. The baskets are near our backdoor, so the kids can remember to take the basket with them. (Works most of the time). The pencil is for marking the breed/variety on the egg.



These are available at Dollar tree or online at Oval Baskets&x=16&y=8

Product Details

Sturdy, wire baskets in bold, bright colors are the perfect solution to your storage needs. They are great for bathroom, classroom, craft room, dorm room, office supply closet, and so much more! Convenient carrying handles make them easy to tote from room to room, while roomy baskets meet all of your storage needs. Case includes 36 – 9½x7½x4½"H oval wire baskets, evenly assorted among green, red, black, and blue.
My wife and daughter have a little pink wicker basket for collecting eggs, but most of the time it is forgotten inside and we use our shirt. I'd be willing to bet it's the most common "egg basket".
I bought 2 baskets from the website called They have some beautiful baskets and not to pricey. There small basket (not extra small) hold a good 2 dozen. And its only $20, but made super well. I ordered a second basket from them. I got a large size for $36, thinking it was only going to be 3 times as big. Boy I was wrong. ITS HUGE, probably hold like 8-10 dozen. I really don't know because its so big I don't have a need for it right now, lol. Its very beautiful, so I have it above my kitchen cabinets right now.

But even though these baskets are great prices and are beautiful and work great. This past Easter after everything went on sale I actually bought some plastic bucket style Easter egg baskets for $1.00 a piece. I bought 3 and use them everyday. I have a nail in my coop that I hang stuff out of reach from the chickens. I'll take my basket early in the morning collect the eggs available and leave the basket hanging all day and add eggs to it every time I'm up there. End of the day I get my basket and take it back to the house. I can't hang the woven baskets like I can these buckets. Oh and I put shredded paper in the bottom to cushion the eggs.

I love those buckets, but have used my shirt many times too...

Here some pictures of my easter baskets and woven baskets. The easter baskets hold about 2-3 dozen, but I wouldn't fill mine full and hang them on the nail because the handles are too strong.

I use the same bucket I use for food, bring them inside, record them, and put them in special cartons for dirty eggs. I have a LOT of feed buckets though, some are cheap old Coors and Bud Light advertising buckets we got from an old bar. The rest are coffee cans. I want to give them some cute paint (flowers, and such) and make them less, cheap beer-y.
I keep my empty Folgers plastic coffee containers for carrying eggs. There are 4 or 5 of them in the rotation. My neighbor told me that was a great way to store them in her refrigerator after a I gave her a tub of eggs. They don't get broken.

This is our main basket. No idea how many eggs it would hold as I never really counted them, but probably at least 10 or 12 dozen. We also have one much smaller we use in the winter that only holds around three dozen. Both are probably 50 years old. This one belong to my Grandparents, it's the same basket I gathered eggs in as a kid. The other I bought out of an old house at an estate sale, still had the little yellow metal "Purina" tag on it. I also have a twisted willow basket that we use sometimes. I'll have to find pictures of them later.
All our coops have a pencil by the door of the coop to write the breed/variety on the eggs when we gather them and to record pounds of feed used that day on our coop records card.
Yeah, I really want to be able to sell eggs by the bucket, but they would have to have something other than:

COORS; IT'S GOT SOMETHING TO DO WITH FOOTBALL!!! Because that might send the wrong message...

You couldn't beat the $1 Easter egg bucket. You could charge the $1 initially and then say if you bring the bucket back to be refill you knock off that $1.
Yeah, I really want to be able to sell eggs by the bucket, but they would have to have something other than:

COORS; IT'S GOT SOMETHING TO DO WITH FOOTBALL!!! Because that might send the wrong message...

That would work for me, since I feed spent brewery grains to my chickens. A little truth in advertising...

(although the grain isn't from Coors!)
I have the twelve dozen (I think that's its capacity) basket like MFB shows above, but mostly we use an eight dozen basket. They come smaller still.

Those are from which is where I think I got my 8dz. Can't recall where I got the big one. One of the long-gone area egg farms I think.

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