Columbian Rock X Gender


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 11, 2012
Can anyone please tell me I have at least one hen out of these two ???
I believe the one in front might be a hen and the one behind might be a roo ?

close up of the one behind in the first shot.

close up of one in front. They are 5 weeks old and are both larger than the rest of the mixed flock.
Both are calm and sweet .

Hen ?
Any feedback is appreciated , Thanks !
Age would help, but it looks like the first one (with wattles showing) is a cockerel, and the second one is a pullet.

Edit: Oops, saw that you posted age--at 5 weeks, I think those wattles showing says cockerel.
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Yes ,,,they are 5 weeks ,,,,,So one cockerel, one pullet ? Fingers crossed
Thanks !
I would vote that you are right, and have a male and female. BTW, your cockerel has some very manly cleavage :p

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