Lavender Orpington - pullet or roo ?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 13, 2012
Hi this is Lily.. I think she is a she. She is 13-14 weeks old in these two pictures. This bird is very sweet, and has alot of feathers on her neck and they are almost wavy?!? What does that mean? Thanks for your advice! - Annie

I'm SOO jealous!!! I've been wanting a Lavender Orpington for so long now
I'm going to say she's a pullet! Her tail feathers are a little bit curly, but her comb is tiny and her legs are nice and thin. I also do not see any saddle feathers which I think I should see by 14 weeks. One reason her neck feathers look wavy may be from her dust bathing. One of my EE's rolls around so much she literally gives herself a Donald Trump combover
lau.gif never goes away

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