PLEASE HELP! Muscovy duckling with a lump in its neck!


7 Years
May 15, 2012
Cornwall, England
Here you can see the lump from different angles. I dont know if this is common in muscovys and is just the neck/chest going a bit puffy?? Can someone please help? Im worried he might be allergic to something or has another problem or needs the vet? :/

Can you give us some background on where he has been, if treats have been offered, does he get grit, what he is fed usually, any differences today in environment or behavior?

Is he drinking, pooping?
He has been in the same run with the rest of the ducklings and mum and had the same food, water, bedding etc as he always does. This is why I don't understand how he suddenly has this lump :/ he is the same as usual and is on growers mixed with crumbs for feed
I feel like I have seen this before . . . . drat!

Okay, is it warm? Can you very gently touch it, does it feel smooth, squishy or lumpy?

If you have a vet, I would take the duckling in.

In the meantime, can you give the little one a nice lukewarm bath deep enough to float in for a while, and watch carefully?

I am wondering if there could be some impaction, causing food to back up in the tummy or lower throat area.

Also, might there be internal parasites, like worms?

Aside from that, could the duckling have gotten into something, like a ball of twine?

Had the food bowl become empty and when it was refilled the duckling gorged itself?
Amiga, that was Plum Tuckered her Muscovy had a lump on it's neck I just looked it up she never posted what happened one way or the other. Looks very simuliar to this ducklings pic, maybe food packed inside the crop?
Thanks, Miss Lydia, I recall someone had that. Actually, someone else had all her ducklings with this and my feeling was that the person(s) in charge while she was away had not kept food in front of the ducklings all the time and they had engorged themselves while feeding.

I suppose it could also have been some kind of bee or wasp sting. In which case an Epsom salts compress applied to the side of the neck might help.
Hmmm. When I saw the titile of the thread I was thinking crook neck. But this looks more swollen than crooked. Maybe an insect sting as suggested.

How long has it been like this?

It is so hard to tell from pics sometimes. Maybe search for crookneck and look at pics and see it that is what it looks like in person. You are supposed to be able to treat it with vitamins (human baby vitamins like poly vi sol but double check since I think non-iron)
It has only been like this today. Well thats when i noticed it. It could have been like it yesterday too but my mum did everything for the ducks as i was ill and she wouldnt know the diffference really. All of the animals have food and water 24/7. It could have been a bee or wasp sting but it has been cold here and not really bee weather.

I first noticed it when i saw a large purple vein on the back of her neck which i never noticed before and this one is one of my favourites because she is the smallest so i hold her at least ince a day and check her as she is so small but i think that is just the size difference between muscovy genders. I hope its nothing serious. Would you reccomend a vet or wait and see what happens?

If it is an infecction id rather her be away from the other 10 babies and i dont want to lose any of them if its like that. Thanks for all of the help
Ok. When you hold her, feel her neck. Without applying pressure does it feel like the bones are in a straight or a curved line moving from head to tail? You can just loop your fingers around the neck and just move them with how the neck is held. If it is crookneck, you can try treating with vitamins. It isn't contagious. If it were a sting, then keep an eye on eating, drinking and pooping and it should go down within a day or two (I think)
I wouldn't think it would be something contagious as only the one is showing signs. You could seperate it if only to be able to make sure it is eating and drinking. Whether you decide on taking it to the vet will depend on many things. It will be your and your family's choice.

Good luck.
Ooh, another possibility just occurred to me, which is simply (though serious) a neck injury from falling, or from being pushed around by the larger ducklings.

Glad you are "here," jdywntr and Miss Lydia.
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