What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

One my ISA Browns is a pain in the butt too!! She sits on her eggs and wont let me get them. I have to get them though because if I dont they will freeze. I spent fifteen minutes trying to get one egg she was sitting on, I finally did but most of my finger were bleeding.

Ha ha ha, reason I wear
gloves all the time, some of mine are very protective of their eggs.
Love the stories everyone!!!

Sadly our friendliest rooster, Lunkhead, passed this weekend. He was sexed incorrectly at the hatchery, there was actually 4 incorrect chicks, but we decided to keep him. So happy we did. He was huge but such a big ol love. He was way to full of himself to come up to me but when I could catch him he would just hang his head and turn it towards me. He knew the hugs were coming.
My buff orpington. I used to give them treats by the back french sliding doors, but stopped cuz they poop on the porch. When they free range she will stand by the door sometimes. She also follows us around the most. (of our chickens)

My 3 golden laced wyandottes will jump onto your lap if you have treats.
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Currently, my friendliest bird is a Self Blue Ameraucana. "Nosey Nellie". She's always sticking her beak into what ever I'm doing. The friendliest breed I've ever had is Dominique. Starting 5 Dom chicks this spring.
My best cuddler is Clucky (buff orp) she always cuddles and every night she jumps into my arms knowing I'll put her to bed after a cuddle good night you can see her in this vid...

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