Black Copper Maran Rooseter - Wheaten?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 19, 2012
East Chatham, New York
Bev Davis was connecting me with someone looking for a BCM Wheaten Roo. How do I know if my roo is Wheaten? I've never heard of this before and my research hasn't given me the answer I need!
Wheaten Maran rooster

Wheaten hens

A Black Copper Maran rooster can't be wheaten. A wheaten maran rooster can be wheaten, but black copper is the color, correct? Not sure how to tell the difference between black coppers and wheatens, they look the same to me
But I have bad eyesight
Look at the wing tip of the bird......if it is cinnamon in color, like the bird photo'd above, he is a Wheaten.

CBL~ That hen is lovely.
Hi everyone just came across this old timer that needed a new home, but looks to be a Wheaton? Can any one confirm thank you.

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