What color is this guinea?


8 Years
Mar 7, 2011
New Orleans, LA
I am trying to figure out what color this guy is. He doesn't have much pearling, and the color is streaky looking. Sorry about the pics...he doesn't like to stay still! Thanks for any input!

He is somewhere in the middle of Blonde and Buff... you can decide what color he is, lol. (Since it's a male, appears to have a darker dusty hue to the color of his flank feathers compared to the Buff Dundotte that is in a couple pics... I'm leaning towards Blonde tho). The streaks will come and go with every molt but the bird will gradually get lighter over all as it ages.
He is somewhere in the middle of Blonde and Buff... you can decide what color he is, lol. (Since it's a male, appears to have a darker dusty hue to the color of his flank feathers compared to the Buff Dundotte that is in a couple pics... I'm leaning towards Blonde tho). The streaks will come and go with every molt but the bird will gradually get lighter over all as it ages.

Cool, these are my first guineas so I had no clue what he was. Thanks a lot!

I also have a couple girls like this:

The one in the front is Buff Dundotte, but what about the background one?

The one in the foreground?

The one on the far right?


I was told these were chocolate, but I have no idea if that is correct. They look more pearled than the chocolate is supposed to be.
Chocolates are a brown (buff gene) color based bird, but only partially pearled (meaning only pearled in the flank area, with barring on the wing/flight feathers and some variegated feathers on their back area... like the Blonde male you first posted a pic of, but Chocolate is a darker shade). Color shade varies from flock to flock, breeder to breeder tho... and again my Chocolates are considerably darker than what's considered Chocolate in a lot of flocks out there.
Here is one of my 2 yr old Chocolate Hens (slightly sun bleached):

The lighter colored/more streakier of your girls in question I'd call a Buff Dundotte, and the reason she looks different is that usually the Hens are noticeably darker (in streaks and splotches) than the males so that's why there is a color difference between her and the bird in front. But again, color shade varies. Not all birds of one color are always the exact same shade.

The darkest bird in your pics I would call Cinnamon (the next darker shade up from Buff Dundotte is Cinnamon). Both are fully pearled but the Cinnamons have a deeper and more even dark buff/tan base color over the entire body than the Buff Dundottes do, the Buff Dundottes tend to be lighter over all, with some darker streaks/splotches. The Cinnamons too will lighten some as they age and look closer to how your Buff Dundottes look, but the flank colors usually don't lighten very much (the feathers suffer less sun bleaching down there).

Here's a pic of a Buff Dundotte Hen of mine...

I can't find any good pics of my Cinnamons in the files that I have on this laptop... but here is a (lightly Pied) Cinnamon Hen. You can at least see the difference in the 2 color shades, how the Cinnamon has more body color over all, and the streaks/splotches on the Buff Dundotte clearly. If I run across better pics I'll post them. (The Cinnamons I have are all Pied to one degree or another tho, that's all I kept in that color).

Chocolates are a brown (buff gene) color based bird, but only partially pearled (meaning only pearled in the flank area, with barring on the wing/flight feathers and some variegated feathers on their back area... like the Blonde male you first posted a pic of, but Chocolate is a darker shade). Color shade varies from flock to flock, breeder to breeder tho... and again my Chocolates are considerably darker than what's considered Chocolate in a lot of flocks out there.
Here is one of my 2 yr old Chocolate Hens (slightly sun bleached):

The lighter colored/more streakier of your girls in question I'd call a Buff Dundotte, and the reason she looks different is that usually the Hens are noticeably darker (in streaks and splotches) than the males so that's why there is a color difference between her and the bird in front. But again, color shade varies. Not all birds of one color are always the exact same shade.

The darkest bird in your pics I would call Cinnamon (the next darker shade up from Buff Dundotte is Cinnamon). Both are fully pearled but the Cinnamons have a deeper and more even dark buff/tan base color over the entire body than the Buff Dundottes do, the Buff Dundottes tend to be lighter over all, with some darker streaks/splotches. The Cinnamons too will lighten some as they age and look closer to how your Buff Dundottes look, but the flank colors usually don't lighten very much (the feathers suffer less sun bleaching down there).

Here's a pic of a Buff Dundotte Hen of mine...

I can't find any good pics of my Cinnamons in the files that I have on this laptop... but here is a (lightly Pied) Cinnamon Hen. You can at least see the difference in the 2 color shades, how the Cinnamon has more body color over all, and the streaks/splotches on the Buff Dundotte clearly. If I run across better pics I'll post them. (The Cinnamons I have are all Pied to one degree or another tho, that's all I kept in that color).

Wow, beautiful! Thanks so much for your help. Can't wait to get some of these more uncommon colors!

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