I have a mixture of girls covered by a very well behaved large hybrid rooster. He is black with gold/orange around his neck. He also has a pen mate rooster who is an all black easter egger but the easter egger is not the dominate rooster but he does mate some of the girls when he can. The girls in the pen are a mixture of ameraucana, easter egger, black copper maran, black copper maran hybrid offspring, delaware, larger hybrid egg layer (lays a extra large egg), production red, wyandotte, australorpe.
I don't have enough of any of them except the easter eggers to expect too many of any one kind of egg. The easter eggers will depend on how many they are laying and if I have an order for just easter eggers. If you message me I can tell you about the available easter egger eggs this week.
This is mostly for people who want a the fun of hatching eggs in a multitude of colors
shipping is $15 for as many as they lay/fit in a box I expect probably 15 or so..
* The chick below is from my splash girl who currently isn't laying********
A blue easter egger hatched from my splash girl

My Splash

I have a mixture of girls covered by a very well behaved large hybrid rooster. He is black with gold/orange around his neck. He also has a pen mate rooster who is an all black easter egger but the easter egger is not the dominate rooster but he does mate some of the girls when he can. The girls in the pen are a mixture of ameraucana, easter egger, black copper maran, black copper maran hybrid offspring, delaware, larger hybrid egg layer (lays a extra large egg), production red, wyandotte, australorpe.
I don't have enough of any of them except the easter eggers to expect too many of any one kind of egg. The easter eggers will depend on how many they are laying and if I have an order for just easter eggers. If you message me I can tell you about the available easter egger eggs this week.
This is mostly for people who want a the fun of hatching eggs in a multitude of colors
shipping is $15 for as many as they lay/fit in a box I expect probably 15 or so..
* The chick below is from my splash girl who currently isn't laying********
A blue easter egger hatched from my splash girl
My Splash
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