Pink and Blue Honduran Chickens


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 3, 2012
Vance, AL
I had a fun conversation the other day with the wife of a doctor who goes on mission trips to give free medical care. She took these pictures in Honduras with her cell phone. They were in an intensely poverty-stricken area, and despite the language barrier she found out there were not dyed. The native people had no money for the basic necessities of life, much less went around dying chickens. I don't know what to make of these, but I thought the forum would be interested. I would love to have some of these cuties at my house!

I had a fun conversation the other day with the wife of a doctor who goes on mission trips to give free medical care. She took these pictures in Honduras with her cell phone.  They were in an intensely poverty-stricken area, and despite the language barrier she found out there were not dyed. The native people had no money for the basic necessities of life, much less went around dying chickens.  I don't know what to make of these, but I thought the forum would be interested.  I would love to have some of these cuties at my house!

Those are definitely dyed! Sorry to be the party pooper, but I find it hard to believe :oops:
It is actually a common practice to inject dye into eggs before they hatch to color-identify chicks of different matings.... I have a book that shows how.
Well, darn! I knew it had to be too good to be true. But why on earth in such a poor location go to the expense/trouble? These birds were running loose.
Those chicks were definitely colored. Its super easy and dye is actually pretty cheap. Especially if they made the dye from natural resources (like berries). Its a great way for someone with little money to make a profit.

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